The Birth Poster
Free shipping worldwide 6000+ 5-star reviews The original 1:1 scale Birth Poster
birth poster in 1:1 scale

Turn your baby’s
birth into a work
of art.

Celebrate the birth of your child with a 1:1 scale artwork that reminds you of how small your baby was at birth.


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Choose your style 👇

Choose from a range of styles and colors to find the perfect birth poster for your home.

more than 400 000 happy customers

Over 400,000+
Happy Customers
Since 2013

The Birth Poster is loved by parents from all over
the world, explore their reviews to find out why.

🚀 Free & Fast Shipping Worldwide
🎁 The Most Meaningful Gift For Parents
✅ The Original 1:1 Scale Birth Poster
⭐️ 6000+ 5-star reviews



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Meet the artist
Evelina Westman

Evelina Westman is the artist, co-founder and
mother behind The Birth Poster.